On 10 December 2019, at 13.30, at Faculty of Economics, Nihad Sayar Seminar Room a psychologist, Yasemin YAGLIKCI did a workshop on “Mindfulness”.
10-11 Haziran 2019 tarihlerinde M.Ü. YADYO toplantı salonunda Fransız Konsolosluğu Fransız Dili İşbirliği Ateşesi Sayın Virginie Villechange, Fransızca Öğretmenliği Anabilim Dalı Başkanı Doç. Dr. Füsun Saraç, İstanbul Fransızca Öğretmenler Derneği Başkanı Doç. Dr. Yaprak Türkan Yücelsin Taş ve M.Ü. YADYO Fransızca Eğitim Koordinatörü Öğr. Gör. Aylin Şenalp tarafından ortaklaşa bir formasyon düzenlenmiştir.
Formasyon, Lumière Lyon II Üniversitesi Öğr. Gör. Formatör Hervé DESCHAMPS tarafından verilmiştir.
Detaylar için tıklayınız.
Educational Counsellor Tony GURR organized a seminar titled “Listening- The Cinderella of all the skills” on 16 April 2019, at 13:00 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Teacher Trainer Teresa DOĞUELLİ organized a seminar titled “What’s old? What’s new? What’s hone out with the bathwater?” on 26 March 2019, 12:00 at Faculty of Technology, Conference Hall.
Pearson Education, Business Development and Operations Specialist Fatih Ozer introduced Pearson Test of English Academic on 20 March 2019 at Institute Building, Lecture Hall B006.
Educational Counsellor Tony GURR organized a seminar titled “From Learner-Centered Classroom To Learner Autonomy” on 05 March 2018 between 11:00 - 13:00 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall. |
Educational Counsellor Christopher VASILIOU organized a seminar titled “Enchancing Student ' Higher-Order Thinking Skills in ELT Classroom” on 17 January 2018 between 11:00 - 13:00 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall. |
Educational Counsellor Tuğba YILDIRIM organized a seminar titled “Promoting Creativity in the EFL Classroom Through Art Integration” on 26 December 2018 between 11:00 - 13:00 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall. |
Educational Counsellor Rachel GRANVİLLE organized a seminar titled “Student Motivation” on 10 October 2018 between 11:45 - 13:50 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall. |
Instructor Utku KARA organized a seminar titled “Do you understand? OK Or CCQ” on 18 Nisan 2018 between 13:00 - 13:50 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall. |
Instructor Aslı YILMAZ ERCAN organized a seminar titled “MisCommunication Based on a true story” on 29 Mart 2018 between13:00 - 13:50 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall. |
Instructor Gül EKŞİ organized a seminar titled “Revisiting the Activities for Multiple Intelligences” on 14 Mart 2018 between 13:00 - 13:50 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall. |
Instructor Ekatherine GOGOLASHVILI DALGIÇ organized a seminar titled “Hidden Messages of Emotions” on 28 Aralık 2018 between 13:00 - 13:50 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Instructor Aslı YILMAZ ERCAN and Zeynep BALTACI organized a seminar titled “Perception of Prep School Students Towards Better Learning” on 01 June 2017, between 12:00 - 12:50 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Educational Counsellor Tony Gurr organized a seminar titled “Re-Writing the Rule Book on Writing in ELT” on 30 May 2017, between 09:45 - 12:00 at Arts and Science Faculty Conference Hall.
Instructor Ekatherine GOGOLASHVILI DALGIÇ organized a seminar titled “Energize, Engage, Inspire!” on 22 May 2017, between 13:00 - 13:50', at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Educational Counsellor Tony Gurr organized a seminar titled “Breathing Life into Traditional Reading Skills with 21st Century and 4C Ideas”on 20 April 2017, between 10:00 - 11:30, at the Institute Building Conference Hall.
Educational Counsellor Tony Gurr organized a seminar titled “Breathing Life into Traditional & 21st Century Skills - from Listening to Speaking” on 16 January 2017, between 11:00 - 14:00, at the Arts and Science Faculty Conference Hall.
Instructor Ayşe YILMAZ VİRLAN organized a seminar titled “İngilizce Hazırlık Programının Dayandığı Program Geliştirme Model ve Temelleri” on 7 December 2016, at 12:30 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Instructor Abdullah PEKEL organized a seminar titled “İnternet Tabanlı Yabancı Dil Öğrenme Modeli: Örnek Uygulamalar” on 23 November 2016, at 12:30'da at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Expert instructor Teresa DOĞUELLİ organized a seminar titled “VAKOG & Learning Styles” on 10 March 2016, between 11.00-12.30, at the Arts and Science Faculty Conference Hall.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kenan DİKİLİTAŞ organized a seminar titled “Developing Teachers for Developing Learners” on 18 February 2016, between 13.00-14.00at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Dr. Semih İRFANER organized a seminar titled “Macmillan Education Campus” on 22 December 2015, between 13.30-15.00at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Craig THAINE organized a seminar titled “Tuning Into Your Learners: Assessment and Evaluation in the Lesson” on 3 November 2015, between 09.30-12.00 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Bruno PAUL organized a seminar titled “The TOEFL Speaking Dilemma” on 20 October 2015, between 09.00-11.00, at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Assist. Prof. Ümran AY organized a seminar titled “Türkçenin Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğretimim” on 7 April 2015, between 10.00-12.00 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Dr. Efkan MARIM organized a seminar titled “Transaksiyonel Analiz ile Motivasyon” on 3 April 2015 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Instructor Pelin TEKİNALP ÇAKMAK organized a workshop titled ‘Flipped Classroom’ as a part of 2015-2016 academic year in-service training program with voluntary instructors on 2 April 2015 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
On 6 Mart 2015 Instructor Laurence Bardout and Pelin TEKİNALP ÇAKMAK organized a workshop titled ‘Initiating, Inspiring and Implementing Change’ as a part of 2015-2016 academic year in-service training program with voluntary instructors on 26 March 2015 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Ali Kemal GEDİKLİ organized a workshop titled ”Boost Student Motivation with Kahoot" which was about supporting the improvement students’ foreign language skills with the use of technology, on 19 March 2015, at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Cambridge University Press Educational Counsellor Devrim ÖZDEMİR organized a seminar about the introduction of course books “Unlock” and “Empower” on 17 March 2015, at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
A well-known name of the ELT world, JJ Wilson, who is also a researcher and a course book writer, organized a seminar called ‘Trends in English Language Teaching: İngilizce Öğretiminde Yeni Yaklaşımlar’ on 3 March 2015 at the institute Building Conference Hall.
Instructor Laurence Bardout organized a workshop titled “Using LEAPS towards the Academy: Speaking” to improve English speaking skill on 26 February 2015 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Instructor Laurence Bardout organized two workshops called “Using Headway Academic Skills: Speaking”to improve English speaking skill on 24 February 2015 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Instructor Laurence Bardout organized two workshops titled ““Using Headway Academic Skills: Reading” to improve English reading skill on 17 February 2015 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Pearson Education Publishing Educational Counsellor Chris MORRIS introduced Pearson Progress Exams on 11 February 2015 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Instructor Laurence Bardout organized two workshops called ‘Fun, Games and Learning’ to improve Academic English skills using games on 5 January 2015 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Esra POLAT organized a seminar called “B1 Seviyesi Sözlü Anlatım Sınavı Değerlendirme Esasları” on 23 December 2014 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Jennifer THORSON and Pelin TEKİNALP ÇAKMAK organized a seminar titled “A2 Seviyesi Sözlü Anlatım Sınavı Değerlendirme Esasları” on 19 December 2014 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Berna TUYGUN and Pelin TEKİNALP ÇAKMAK organized a seminar called “A2 Seviyesi Sözlü Anlatım Sınavı Değerlendirme Esasları” on 16-18 December 2014 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Laurence BARDOUT organized a seminar called “We teach, but what do students learn?” on 25 November 2014, between 13:45-14:45 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Aslı YILMAZ ERCAN and Utku KARA organized a seminar titled “Who can star as a TDU member?” on 07-08 November 2014 at İstanbul Şehir University.
Jennifer THORSON and Esra POLAT organized a seminar named “A2 Seviyesi Sınav Değerlendirme Esasları” on 07 November 2014, between 13:30-16:00 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Berna TUYGUN organized a seminar called “A1 Seviyesi Sınav Değerlendirme Esasları” on 04 November 2014, between 13:30-16:00 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Victoria PEARCE and Leyla CEYLAN organized a seminar called “B1 Seviyesi Sınav Değerlendirme Esasları” on 31 October 2014, between 11:15-13:45 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Victoria PEARCE organized a seminar called “Insights to the New Speaking Curriculum & Assessment” on 19 September 2014, between 13:30-16:00 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
F. Esin ŞAHİN and Murat Onur SUNER organized a seminar titled “Insights to the New Writing Curriculum” on 19 September 2014, between 10:00-13:30 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hamza AKENGİN organized a seminar called “Değişen Dünya ve Türkiye” on 12 May 2014, at 13:30 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cemalettin ŞAHİN organized a seminar titled “Türkiye: Mekân ve Kültür” on 28 April 2014 at 13:00 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Saadet AKINCI organized a seminar called “Organisation Techniques & Evaluation of Academic Writing” on 21 April 2014, between 10:00-13:30 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Saadet AKINCI organized a seminar called “The Process of Essay Writing” on 03 March 2014 between 10:00-13:30 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Pelin TEKİNALP ÇAKMAK and Banu SORGUÇ ULUĞ organized a seminar called “Focusing on Productive Skills: Speaking and Writing I-II” on 12 / 14 November 2013, between 09:30-16:30 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Pelin TEKİNALP ÇAKMAK and Banu SORGUÇ ULUĞ organized a seminar titled “Implementing a common understanding CEFR levels I-II” on 30 October 2013 between 09:30-16:30 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Pelin TEKİNALP ÇAKMAK organized a seminar called “Familiarisation with the CEFR” on 22/ 24 October 2013 between 09:00-16:30 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Prof. Dr. Enver TÖRE organized a seminar called “Tiyatro ve Sosyal Hayat” on 22 May 2013 between 12:30-13:30 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rahim TARIM organized a seminar called “Magazinleşen Edebiyat” on 15 May 2013 between 12:30-13:30 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Gonca USLU SARAÇ and Birsen BARIŞ AKBAŞ organized a seminar titled “Prüferschulung: Detailierte Kannbeschreibungen und Bewertung des Mündlichen Ausdrucks Niveau B2.1” on 07 May 2013 between 10:00-13:00 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Gianfranco IACONANTONIO organized a seminar called “Kültürler Arası Bakış” on 3 April 2013 between 12:30-13:30 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Prof. Dr. Ahmet KANLIDERE organized a seminar called “Türk Dünyasından İzlenimler” 13 March 2013 between 12:30-13:30 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Assoc. Prof. Dr Bülent HALVAŞİ organized a seminar called “Ses ve Nefes” on 6 March 2013 between 12:30-13:30 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmut BABACAN organized a seminar called “Denemenin Doğuşu” on 27 February 2013 between 12:30-13:30 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sinan SÖNMEZ organized a seminar called “Fotoğraf Çekme ve İşleme Teknikleri” on 20 February 2013 between 12:15-13:30 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Alev SALAR organized a seminar called “Video im DaF Unterricht” on 13 February 2013 between 15:30-17:00 at the Arts and Science Faculty, classroom FEF-14.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Baki ASİLTÜRK organized a seminar titled “Modern Türk Şiiri” on 13 February 2013 between 12:15-13:30 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Ursula Graser organized a seminar called “Vorbereitung auf das Anwendungsseminar” on 11 February 2013 between 15:30-17:00 at the Arts and Science Faculty, classroom FEF-15.
Nicos SİFAKİS organized a seminar called “Understanding the role of English and English language teaching in the globalisation era: lessons learnt” on 04-05 February 2013 between 11:30-13:30 at Arts and Science Faculty Conference Hall.
Christina ZIEGLER organized a seminar named “Prüferschulung: Bewertung und Prüferverhalten bei mündlichen Prüfungen für das Niveau A1” on 22 November 2012 between 12:30-17:00 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Gonca USLU SARAÇ and Birsen BARIŞ AKBAŞ organized a seminar called “Prüferschulung: Detailierte Kannbeschreibung und Prüfungsmodell für das Niveau A1” on 20 November 2012 between 15:00-17:00 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Ayşe YILMAZ VİRLAN organized a seminar called “Speaking Sınavı Uygulama Yöntemi” on 14-21 November 2012 between 11:00-12:30 in the morning and between 13:00-15:00 in the afternoon at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Abdullah PEKEL and Özlem KESKİNDİL organized a seminar called “Weebly” on 7 November 2012 between 10:30-12:00 in the morning and between 13:30-15:00 in the afternoon at the School of Foreign Languages Lab 3.
At the seminar which was organized by German Preparatory Unit Coordination, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Handan Sümer Göğüş and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mert Erer from German Business Management Department, assistant professor Recep Ragıp Başbağı and research assistant Gülay Heppınar from Atatürk Education Faculty German Language Teaching Department gave information about undergraduate programs to students of German Business Management and German Language teaching departments. Besides this, Dr. Isabel Aydan Risch gave a presentation about DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) scholarships.
Arzu MERİÇ, Birsen BARIŞ AKBAŞ, and Gonca USLU SARAÇ organized a seminar titled “Übungstypologien für die Fertigheit "Sprechen"” on 19 September 2012 between 10:00-16:00 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Ayşegül ÇETİN and Ebru ÖZKAN ÇİZMECİ organized a seminar called “Googling and ZOHO” on 13-20 September 2012 between 10:30-12:00 in the morning and between 13:30-15:00 in the afternoon at the School of Foreign Languages Lab 3.
With the contribution of Marmara University School of Foreign Languages, U.S. Ankara Embassy and Birtel Communication Technologies and coordination by Abdullah PEKEL, ‘Teacher Support Program’ took place on 10-12-13-14 September 2012 at the foreign language lab of our school. Teacher Support Program was organized on the theme of using internet-based applications for foreign language classes for an audience of Ministry of National Education elementary schools and their teachers .
Gonca USLU SARAÇ organized a seminar called “Yabancı Dil Hazırlık Eğitiminde Benzeşik Sınıfların Oluşturulması” on 2 May 2012, between 10:30-12:30 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Abdullah PEKEL organized a seminar called “Çevrimiçi Eğitim Teknolojileri ve Uygulamaları” on 26-27 April 2012 between 10:30-12:00 in the morning and between 13:30-15:00 in the afternoon at the School of Foreign Languages Nihad Sayar Building Lab 3.
Angela KONSTANCE organized a seminar called “Developing the Speaking and Writing Skills in Traveller” on 13 April 2012 between 10:00-11:30 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Özlem KESKİNDİL organized a seminar called “İngilizce Öğretimi Eğitim Teknolojileri: EDMODO PBWiki Uygulamaları” on 29-30 March 2012 between 10:30-12:00 in the morning and between 13:30-15:00 in the afternoon at the school of foreign languages Nihad Sayar Building Lab 3.
Kathleen Shirley GLENWRIGHT organized a seminar called “Sınıf Yönetimi” on 28 March 2012 between 10.30-12:00 and 13:30-15:00 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Aslı FİŞEKÇİOĞLU organized a seminar called “B1 Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Formasyonu” on 26 March 2012 between 9:30-11:30 at the School of Foreign Languages Nihad Sayar Building, classroom 409.
Özlem KESKİNDİL 8 Mart 2012 sabah saat 10:30-11:30 öğlenden sonra saat 13:30-14:30’da Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu Nihad Sayar Binası Laboratuar 4'de “ESP Lab Tanıtımı ve Uygulamaları” konulu bir seminer vermiştir. |
Vice Director and English Unit Coordinator F. Sema Kutlu organized a three-stage in-service training program for the adaptation of new instructors who had just started working at School of Foreign Languages Preparatory School and contribution to their professional development. As a part of this program, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derin ATAY who is a valued instructor at Atatürk Education Faculty and our English Unit Coordinator Sema Kutlu organized seminars on 10-13-14 February 2012. During the seminars, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derin ATAY made a great contribution by emphasizing important points that the instructors should consider. The highly effective seminars broadened the instructors’ minds.
Cahit CENGİZHAN organized a seminar called “İnternet Kaynaklarına Ulaşım ve Depolanması” on 5-6 December 2011 at 10:30 in the morning and at 13:30 in the afternoon at the School of Foreign Languages Nihad Sayar building Lab 1.
Diane STEWART organized a seminar called “IELTS Teacher Training” on 11 May 2011 between 09:00 - 16:30 at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
İ.İ.B.F French Public Administration instructor Aurélie TOURNIAIRE organized a seminar called “Portfolio Européen Des Langues”(A1,A2,B1) on 30 March 2011 between 09:30 - 12:00 in the morning and between 13:00 - 15:30 in the afternoon at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Instructor of Marmara University School of Foreign Languages Dr. Senem Seda ŞAHENK ERKAN organized a seminar called “Avrupa Dil Portfolyosu” on 22 March 2011 at 11:00 in the morning and at 14:00 in the afternoon at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Instructor of Marmara University School of Foreign Languages Dr. Meral BALCI organized a seminar called “Türk Dış Politikasının Ana Hatları” on 9 March 2011 at 14:00 in the afternoon at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Cahit CENGİZHAN organized a seminar called “Etkili Bilgisayar ve İnternet Kullanımı” on 3 March 2011 at 10:30 in the morning and at 14:00 in the afternoon at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Kristina SMITH 25 Şubat 2011 sabah saat 10:30’da Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu İdari Binası Konferans Salonunda “Grammar Techniques And Activities” konulu bir seminer vermiştir. |
Instructor of Marmara University School of Foreign Languages Erhan KÖSEOĞLU organized a seminar called “Üniversitelerarası Dil Sınavı (ÜDS) Teknikleri” on 16 February 2011 at 10:30 in the morning and on 18 February 2011 at 15:30 in the afternoon at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.
Instructor of Marmara University School of Foreign Languages Gül EKŞİ organized a seminar called “Avrupa Birliği Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları ve Proje Hazırlama” on 11 February 2011 at 11:00 in the morning and at 13:30 in the afternoon at the School of Foreign Languages, administrative building conference hall.