2013 Personnel of the Year Award Ceremony was organized during the 9thin-service training on Thursday, 19thJune, 2014. We congratulate all the personnel who received awards and wish them success and happiness.
Aslı YILMAZ ERCAN Instructor English |
Alev SALAR Instructor German |
A. Simla SIRMAY Instructor French |
Mehmet KOCAKAPLAN Instructor Turkish |
Duygu YALÇINER Contracted Instructor English |
Contracted Instructor German |
Gianfranco IACONANTONIO Contracted Instructor French |
Hasan ULUCUTSOY Contracted Instructor Turkish |
Aslı FİŞEKÇİOĞLU Unit Coordinator French |
Esma ŞAHİN |
Sabahattin TÜRK |
This page updated by Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu on 16.01.2018 15:46:15